Winner of Year's Performance 2018
28 September 2018
We are proud to announce that Lene Bryde, Managing Director, is a winner of Year's Performance at Growth-conference 2018!
Growth is the largest conference within Danish agriculture industry. ACO FUNKI won this honor for two main reasons. We demonstrated stamina in consolidating our business. And we took the initiative to create the Danish Pig Academy in 2017.
For ACO FUNKI the last few years have been characterized by hard and persistent work to reverse deficit to surplus. It was a challenge to turn the acquisition of “Egebjerg International” - one of our main competitors - into successful business with shared product line. And last but not least, it was an effort to motivate and hold on to employees through the crisis years.
The judge committee underlined ACO FUNKI’s efforts not only in foreign markets but also the work done in our own premises in Herning. The prize is also given for the personal involvement of the ACO FUNKI employees.
The judge committee specially emphasized ACO FUNKI’s efforts to gather different companies within the agro industry under one umbrella, The Danish Pig Academy, to gain common strength.
Lene Bryde was selected from a number of candidates by a judge committee consisting of Karen Hækkerup from LF, Lars Kornborg Director for Gjensidige, last year's winner Axel Månsson as well as Henrik Lisberg, Chief Editor of Agriculture Media in Denmark (Landbrugsmedierne). Dansk Agro Industri's director, Claus Hermansen, was also affiliated with the committee.
The prize was handed out to Lene Bryde, Managing Director, on Friday, September 28, 2018.