New strong cooperation of Danish companies
September 2017
18 Danish producers within the pig industry have chosen to think outside the box and break new ground with the establishment of the Danish Pig Academy.
A new international gathering place for pig producers has seen the light of day. Here is an opportunity to experience the best of Danish technology in one place. A common showroom in Herning provides the framework for this new collaboration. But the Danish Pig Academy is much more than just a common showcase! Danish Pig Academy will host several events on a regular basis where you can be inspired and updated on the latest pig industry developments.
“The development of the industry has for a long time tended towards pig producers being fewer, but larger. It is therefore necessary to collaborate and give advice at a high professional level. These are the requirements we try to accomodate with the establishing of the Danish Pig Academy”, says Torben Olesen, Chairman of Danish Pig Academy, and continues:
“We want to create a gathering place for both international and Danish pig producers as well as other interested parties, groups, institutions and organizations in the pig industry. We want our visitors to experience an added value when taking the time to stop by our showroom, where they can general view of what Danish producers have to offer – under one roof!”
At Danish Pig Academy, you may convene meetings and hold events in exciting and inspiring surroundings with the possibility of accommodation in a newly renovated guest house.
Learn more about the Danish Pig Academy at www.danishpigacademy.com.
If you have further questions, you are welcome to contact Torben Olesen, Chairman, by +45 96269200.