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ACO FUNKI Online Seminars for Cooperation Partners
Seminars are intended for our dealers and cooperation partners worldwide

19 June 2020

We are proud to cooperate with all our partners, and we wish to expand our common business by offering new opportunities.

Therefore, we decided to hold a series of online seminars for our dealers and cooperation partners worldwide. The seminars will be held as live events in real-time and contain a lot of practical information, such as products' features, professional guidance, and arguments.

Would you like to gain new knowledge and offer even better service to your clients? Then our seminars are for you.

We send the invitations directly to your emails, and if you would like to invite your colleagues, please send us an email with the email addresses.

Below, you can see an overview of our coming seminars:
DateTime *Topic
18 June 20209.00 - 9.45 Denmark Showroom oveview
25 June 20209.00 - 9.45 Free Farrowing
02 July 20209.00 - 9.45Dry Feeding / Interval Feeding / Funki Dry Multi
03 September 20209.00 - 9.45Baby Care Milk system
08 October 20209.00 - 9.45Farrowing Crates
12 November 20209.00 - 9.45Funki Multi Controller

*Central European Summer Time GMT+2

Practical information:

The seminars takes place in MICROSOFT TEAMS. You DO NOT need to install the program to participate in the seminar.

All you need to do is to click on the link in your invitation e-mail and Join the life event.

Would you like to know more or want to join the seminar?

Contact us